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# Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Royal Mail are increasing their postage prices from the 4th of April 2011. As a result of this increase PC2Paper prices will increase accordingly. The postage price for first class mail up to 100g will increase to 46p whilst second class mail will increase to 36p. The cost of a Large Letter stamp will rise to 75p for first class items and 58p for second class items. In order to take into account these increases PC2Paper prices will rise after close of business on Friday 1st of April for all mail sent on the next working day Monday the 4th of April.

posted on Tuesday, March 22, 2011 2:58:45 PM (GMT Standard Time, UTC+00:00)  #    Trackback
# Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Royal Mail have recently released some new stamps featuring characters from myths and legends. The Magical Realms issue was released on the 9th of May and features characters from the legends of King Arthur, the Narnia stories of CS Lewis, JK Rowling's Harry Potter series and the Discworld of Sir Terry Pratchett. The 1st class stamps are available featuring Rincewind, Nanny Ogg, Dumbledore and Voldemort. Merlin and Morgan le Fay feature on the 60p stamp and Aslan and The White Witch feature on the 97p stamp.

posted on Tuesday, March 15, 2011 1:32:44 PM (GMT Standard Time, UTC+00:00)  #    Trackback
# Thursday, March 3, 2011

Royal Mail have apologised for its performance during the festive period as it emerged last Christmas was the worst performance since records began. Only one in three letters sent via first class mail met the companies target of arriving on the next working day. Some customers only received their cards and presents in the middle of January. Royal Mail has said that the delays were caused by extremely bad weather during December but consumer groups are unconvinced. Here at PC2Paper we certainly experienced delays in December due to very deep snow meaning Royal Mail vans were unable to collect from post boxes and businesses. The knock on effect and huge backlog of mail caused delays well into the middle of January. We did also experience more lost mail during this period as a result. That being said, we did have rather a lot of snow with up to 18 inches in the area local to our office so we can understand why there was so much disruption to the usually very good service.

posted on Thursday, March 3, 2011 5:35:24 PM (GMT Standard Time, UTC+00:00)  #    Trackback